We are revamping our youth and young adult ministry with hopes to restart in-person Sabbath School and meet ups in August. Please email Pastor Sarah at sarahgrover@lancasteradventist.com
About Us
Our Youth and Young Adults Ministries strive to encourage a deeper relationship with God and with others. We hope to strengthen our fellowship, knowledge, and outreach as we learn together, grow together, and serve together.
In-Person Youth Sabbath School
Starting again soon at 10:15 Saturday mornings in the Youth Chapel
In-Person Young Adult Sabbath School
Starting again soon at 10:15 Saturday mornings in the Classroom
Inspired by Colossians 2:6-7, is a Friday night gathering for Youth (9-12th grade) and Young Adults (collegiate and twenty-somethings). Before Covid quarantine, we met twice a month at 6:30pm at different church member’s houses.
However, we are unable to meet as we used to. We are still aiming to do some virtual and in-person meet ups if the rules allow us to. Below are tentative upcoming gatherings.
The next Rooted-TBA
However, we are unable to meet as we used to. We are still aiming to do some virtual and in-person meet ups if the rules allow us to. Below are tentative upcoming gatherings.
The next Rooted-TBA
Contact Pastor Sarah for more details and check out our Instagram for updates @Lancaster_Adventist.

Congratulations Class of 2021!!
We’re SO happy for you and your accomplishment!
We’re SO happy for you and your accomplishment!
Pleas join us June 12th for a special Sabbath celebrating our graduates!
Social Events
As a part of the Lancaster Adventist Church’s mission to build multi-generational community inside and outside the church, we aim to have at least one social event every month in which everyone is invited.
However, due to preventive measures of keeping our church members healthy we aim to have some kind of social/game nights online at least monthly. More details to come. DM Pastor Sarah for more info.

Check our Instagram for any Upcoming Events
If you have any questions, ideas, or a desire to volunteer,
please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Sarah at
661-524-6883 or sarahgrover@lancasteradventist.com
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young. But set an example for the believer in speech, in life in love, in faith and in purity.”
1 Timothy 4:12